Member-only story
Celebrating Remission
Living a life without regrets and creating happy Core Memories
Earlier this month, I celebrated my second cancerversary. It sounds morbid, but I’m celebrating the day I was diagnosed with cancer because I’m still here.
Ten days before my diagnosis, my husband and I surprised our children with a memorable trip to Florida in the middle of a dreary January 2020. We took them out of school for a week and made our way to a theme park. We loved it, and I made a point of enjoying the time with my family even though I was secretly worried that the lump I found three days before our trip would be cancer.
Weeks later, when the pandemic put us in lockdown, when my hair fell out in strands gracing my breakfast plate and my mug, when my eyelashes fell out too quickly to make wishes, and my brain became dulled from chemo, my family still found time to laugh and fondly remember our trip. That trip was a bright spot for us. It was an excellent memory to cling to when we were distraught by my illness and the fate of our world during a pandemic. I said it then, and I’ll say it over and over, I am so glad we took the trip.
When I lost my hair and succumbed to chemo brain during my treatment, my kids worried about me and lost a little bit of their shine, becoming more subdued over the ensuing months. Their…