Here are the 5 Best Ways to Gain Followers

Don’t just gain followers. Gain read time

Heather Jauquet
3 min readFeb 22, 2022
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

A few platforms are instilling a minimum follower count before monetizing. Between the two venues where I write regularly, I have nearly 4K followers. You just looked at my follower account for Medium didn’t you? And you were unimpressed. That’s fine. I spent the last year writing for another platform, and here are is what I learned about gaining followers. It won’t happen overnight, but you’ll see a rise in your follow count if you do the following.

How do I gain followers?

Write and post often

I write for NewsBreak. I spent most of 2021 writing 12–25+ articles a month for NewsBreak. Like most people starting out, I wondered how to gain followers quickly. Posting interesting content that resonated with readers gained me followers and reads. For both NewsBreak and Medium, reads are more critical than follows. But how do you get followers? By gaining readers.

If you look at my NewsBreak profile, you’ll see that I have more than 3K followers. This is because I spent most of my time writing on that platform. If I had dedicated the same kind of time writing for Medium, I would have grown my following rapidly. As it stands, I still gain followers daily, but it’s slow and…



Heather Jauquet
Heather Jauquet

Written by Heather Jauquet

Writer. Wife. Mom. Runner. Crocheter. Cancer patient in a pandemic.

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