Heather Jauquet
Oct 17, 2020

Hi Andy, thank you for taking the time to read and respond. I think your views do have importance because they bring another perspective and other points to bring up. I think through these different perspectives is where we can find a shared advocacy or learn or from one another.

I am actually a Catholic convert. I was raised in a protestant church and converted. My protestant friends are often surprised because most of them converted from Catholicism.

You are not the first to bring up the topic of rape. It was brought up on my social media account where I shared my article. I think every story,especially those that surround abortion, needs to be met with grace and compassion and that our response to those situations should never to demonize the decisions made. Instead, we should continue to work towards change and protect the most vulnerable. In the situation you brought up, it includes the child raped by her father.

Can I ask for a clarification: you said, "...if not, I will remain a sceptic." Do you mean skeptic of the Catholic church or that of the pro-life intention/advocacy?

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.

Heather Jauquet
Heather Jauquet

Written by Heather Jauquet

Writer. Wife. Mom. Runner. Crocheter. Cancer patient in a pandemic.

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