Hi Mitch, thanks for taking the time to read and respond. I also appreciate a different point of view. I *truly* hope you are right that Trump explicitly condemns neo-Nazis and white supramicists. Thanks to your response, I did go back to look for further evidence of his condemnation. You are right that there are a lot of convenient sound bites that make it swing one way or the other depending on who is doing the reporting: Trump supports white supremacists or he condemns them.
However, I’m afraid his racially insensitive remarks will continue to add fodder to the claims that he is racist. Unfortunately, I think there are people who will read more into his remarks and take it as permission to be blatantly racist, even if that was not his intention.
I did not vote for Trump in 2016, but when he was elected hoped that he would be successful for the sake of the country. I look forward to seeing what the next four years will bring. In any case, I hope it brings unity and shared advocacy. 2020 has been a tough year all around and I think people are more emotionally charged.
Thank you for presenting another point of view and bringing a different perspective to my attention. I appreciate hearing from another voice on the topic and done in such a way as to make me pause, reflect, continue to read, and learn.
And thanks for the encouragement!