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I Haven’t Seen Elf, but Have I Really Missed Out? Here’s our Favorite Family Christmas Movies for All Ages
Should we add Elf to the List?
I have never seen Elf. Have I missed out on a cult classic? At this point it’s been out so long, does it matter that I haven’t seen it? Should I make it point to see it anyway? Should I introduce it to my children who have all heard the references from friends, but have never seen Elf? 2020 has been such a dumpster fire that a good laugh would be welcome. In the meantime, I share my family’s favorite holiday movies. Let me know if I’ve missed one that you think I should put on the list. Bonus points if it’s family friendly. Being in a lockdown during a pandemic means that the kids are around all.the.time. Hit me with your favorites. Here are ours:
Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)
The 1965 Charlie Brown Christmas is not a movie per se, but a holiday staple. Earlier in the year, there was a public outcry for this beloved classic when news outlets shared that the Charlie Brown Christmas would not be aired on television, but instead could be streamed on Apple TV+. Eventually, Apple TV+ relented and allowed it to be shared with PBS and PBS kids. Charlie Brown, depressed, by the overwhelming materialism and consumerism surrounding the Christmas Season shares his chagrin…